
#Myth: “Failure is not an option.” Of course, it is your first readily available option! There are those that will always try to tell you what you can and cannot do based upon their own powers abilities and vision. We’re all capable of different things. Breaking free to me means not accept other people’s reality and to succeed.

Thanksgiving is during my favorite time of year! Sweaters, coats, hoodies and boots! Yes, its cooling off outside which means its time to turn off the air conditioner and open the windows! This is the time of year we talk about and remember the things we are thankful for.  I would like to issue a challenge.  

The challenge I want to put out there is, “why cant we be in a spirit of thankfulness all year around!?”

Today I want to pose this concept of passion/desire vs discipline.  Are you the full package?  Do you feel like you have both?  Have you been told you need both to be successful?  Well I’m here to tell you that I have  reason to believe you don’t.  Look, every time I speak to a group of people I have always focused on what I can do to motivate the group.  There are those people in the group who respond to the fire and brimstone message on let’s fight and get it done! Well as of late, I have just realized a very small amount of people get up in the morning and have the boiling fire I have to go win.  They get up with a lot of other talents that can help them be successful and one of those traits they possess is discipline.

At first it was very hard for me to even consider there could be success without immeasurable passion. Honestly, it’s still a little hard for me to understand, but its growing on me.  Don’t hear me wrong I was and will always be a fireball.  I’m just warming up to the idea that not everyone has to be like me to be successful at running their business. Also understand I’m not saying that in the absence of passion there is success because that is not the message either.  The message is that most people are not naturally out of control passionate about the business they have, but if they have great discipline they could then hire the people they need to win as well as stick to the plan.  The early wake up calls, the loaded schedule, the budget and business plan. I want all of you to know that just because some motivational speaker doesn’t excite you doesn’t mean you are bound for broke.

Think about this concept as it applies to your team or your players. Not every single one of them is talented the same or even has the same amount of drive, but if they do the work from the stance of remaining disciplined they can accomplish filling the gap you have asked them for.  This idea applies to not only the leader, but those being led.  You can still get the job done.

Look, you might not be animated about it, but that doesn’t have to mean you can’t get there. Everyone can still dream the same. Having a goal and reaching it is most usually putting one foot in front of the other and to keep steppin!

When your dreams are big enough the facts don’t matter!  Remind yourself, even after today to be thankful for the gifts you have and us them to your best ability.  Share your gifts with others and allow them to share theirs with you. 

Happy Thanksgiving from our family to yours!